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Category: vBulletin 3.5 Template Modifications
Disabling The "I Agree" Checkbox Until A Specified Amount Time Has Elapsed

As requested in this thread.

This addition disables the "I Agree" checkbox on the rules page during registration until a specifed amount of time has elapsed. If it isn't obvious, this idea is that the users can't just click through right away, so they're more likely to actually read the rules.

IN TEMPLATE register_rules:


<div><label for="cb_rules_agree"><input type="checkbox" name="agree" id="cb_rules_agree" value="1" /><strong><phrase 1="$vboptions[bbtitle]">$vbphrase[read_agree_abide_by_rules]</phrase></strong></label></div>


<script type="text/javascript">
var agreebox = document.getElementById('cb_rules_agree');
agreebox.disabled = true;
setTimeout("agreebox.disabled = false;", 10000);

Replacing 10000 with the number of miliseconds you want it to wait before enabling the checkbox.

If you use this, please press install ( :)

great idea.

and they'll probably ask you to include a txt file?

great idea.

and they'll probably ask you to include a txt file?

Would they? It seems that most other modifications on the first page have basic template modifications in their first post. :p

haha guess so. I don't know what the standards are, just seems like I always see the mods asking people to add txt files. probably doesn't apply to these type of hacks.

thanks for the hack, its something I need myself as I'm always clicking through lol

Nice. :)

Can you please include a Textfile with the instructions?
Thank you.

Btw: I HATE sites that do this, and those that do won't see me again :)
I know the rules (as they are +- always the same) so it's just a PITA ...

Can you please include a Textfile with the instructions?
Thank you.Ah, so EasyTarget was right.

Include the text file, and remove it from the first post?

You can leave it in the first post, that's fine - just include a textfile as well.
It's good to have a textfile for future reference (when upgrading, etc.) :)

Btw: I HATE sites that do this, and those that do won't see me again
I know the rules (as they are +- always the same) so it's just a PITA ...

Same here.

Same here.

same since this may lower user registration rate

Wow, Thank you very much, a very handy addition!

haha guess so. I don't know what the standards are, just seems like I always see the mods asking people to add txt files. probably doesn't apply to these type of hacks.

thanks for the hack, its something I need myself as I'm always clicking through lol

The text file request applies to all hacks/mods/plug-ins. It is easier to re-install later on if they upgrade when they have the instruction in a file on their computer instead of having to hunt it down here. ;)

Thanks man!

/me installs! :)

verry nice idea

/me clicked install

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